The GC Index® is the only digital Organimetric to measure how individuals make their best impact, individually and collectively.
The GC Index® science and research started at the request of organisations saying that the traditional ways of assessing individuals were not meeting their requirements of the rapidly evolving world of work. This is significant because The GC Index® therefore has its origins in modern ‘business needs’ rather than an ‘academic interest’ in individual differences.
The philosophy underpinning The GC index® is a simple one, specifically that human beings strive to be potent in their world.
You only need to watch the toddler learning to walk to see this, the determination to get up, again and again, after falling down. The drive for potency and, at times, mastery, is evident. Some might argue that this drive is a ‘hard-wired’ feature of our need as a species to survive, adapt and thrive.
What is clear is that people don’t go to work to feel impotent. People thrive when they have a clarity of role and responsibility that allows them to make a valued contribution and impact. At the heart of effective performance at work is clarity of expectations and accurate feedback.
For those of you accustomed to personality profiles and psychometrics, The GC Index® will feel familiar in the sense it describes individual differences. However, rather than focusing on ‘personality’ it focuses on proclivity i.e. individual differences when it comes to making an impact to a role, team or organisation.
As you would expect, extensive and reputable research was carried out to assess the validity, reliability and commercial relevance, of The GC Index® before launching it in 2016. It was ensured that all psychological underpinnings met or exceeded the guidelines specified by the British Psychological Society. The conceptual clarity of all our research ensured The GC Index® was uniquely designed around the principle that everyone has the potential to make a game-changing contribution.
The full details of the science and technical underpinnings are fully documented in our ‘Technical Story So Far…’. If you would like to request a copy please contact us at
The Psychology Of The GC Index®

The GC Index® vs. traditional psychometrics
Dr John Mervyn-Smith, Chief Psychologist at The GC Index, discusses how The GC Index® differs to traditional psychometrics and personality instruments.
The GC Index® story
Professor Adrian Furnham tells The GC Index® story. He talks about the different roles people play in a game-changing team.