The GC Index as a Universal Language
The GC Index® has evolved remarkably quickly over a relatively short period. This is thanks to GCologists, GC Partners, and clients who all continue to drive the community forwards. The GC Index aspiration to reach more than 10% of humankind feels very real.
Here, our psychologist at large, Dr Nigel Evans – an internationally recognised expert in Testing and Assessment and Chartered Psychologist – tells us why…
The success of The GC Index®, in part, reflects its universal language. Regardless of geography and application, it resonates with people: they can see the model, action it, hear it and feel it. This perhaps, is no surprise given its origins back in 2013 that started with a journey to bring understanding to the ways in which people want to make an impact in their world: a fundamental human drive.
The GC Index® has been described in many ways to me by people across the global community: ‘It’s deceptively powerful’, ‘it’s The Matrix’, ‘it shows how everyone fits into the system’, ‘it’s the missing piece to the jigsaw we have been waiting for’ and so on.

Dr Andrew Nevin, Partner & Chief Economist, PWC Nigeria says:
“No one has ever made a decision based on MBTI but with The GC Index framework you can make a decision about how you conduct your business.”
One of the key reasons I would suggest for this, is that it is a universal language that everyone understands: it can be applied just as simply to understanding how someone will make a meal, or relates to their partner, through to how a CEO runs a global corporation, or a politician leads their country.
It is this accessibility of The GC Index® language that quickly scales from individual to teams to whole organisation rapidly, creating a basis for people to understand their role and contribution to collective success as well as the contribution of their colleagues. No other profiling tool that I have worked with does that so efficiently and so expansively.
It is the open source nature of The GC Index language that is helping individuals and organisations to move beyond awareness and instead focus their energy for impact:
- Large and small businesses that drive better productivity and wellbeing for their people at the same time.
- Schools and teachers engaging their students much more effectively, students ‘running to’ education rather than ‘running away’ from it.
- Sports coaches, players and teams having much better conversations and, in turn, improved results on and off the field.
- Charities giving their members a language that shows how they fit into the world rather than being marginalised.
- Families creating healthier relationships: within couples, parent-child dynamics, and across extended family bonds.
- Boards and Investors understanding which leaders will drive their organisation in a profitable yet sustainable way.
- Consultancies driving more measurable and embedded value to their clients, focusing on business outcomes not simply process.

This notion of a universal language is a very powerful one and the reason that The GC Index® is being used across the world in more than 50 countries.
I have even seen it in action across the GC Community where people from completely different countries, not speaking the same native languages, communicating on a project simply through The GC Index® language – there were indeed as the client put it ‘talking GCology’.
I believe the GC Community is on its way to doing something truly remarkable in changing how people approach business, education and society for the better.

The GC Index® Products, together with GC Partner Powered by Solutions, all have a key role to play in enabling the vision to empower more than 10% of humankind. Just think about the positive impact this will have in helping solve some of the world’s biggest issues, like sustainability, poverty and health.
All too often there’s a misperception that it’s only those in positions of power or authority who can achieve great things and create real change. But the reality is that everyone has a positive impact and contribution to make, whether they are a Fortune 500 Executive or a child in a developing country.