What is it?
A 12 month Coaching Programme underpinned by The GC Index that runs alongside University students’ academic studies focussed upon organisational impact. The programme bridges the gap between education and enterprise, prepares students to maximise their impact when they enter the world of work and enables employers to best integrate the future talent into their organisations.

Welcome to The CIP
Firstly, a very warm welcome to The EIT InnoEnergy Career Impact Programme (CIP); your journey in engaging with the energy industry and making a game changing impact starts here.
The EIT InnoEnergy Career Centre provides a 12 month programme that is aligned to your Master Programme to support you in your transition from an academic career to a professional industry career. A programme that will provide you with coaches, experts and practical information that will help you understand where you make your best contributions and greatest impacts in careers and organisations.
Whether you are looking to build you career in a large organisation or thinking of a start up when you complete your Master Programme; the EIT InnoEnergy Career Centre has the support network to help you make your mark. The programme consists of 1-2-1 coaching through subject matter experts and EIT InnoEnergy Alumni, highly informative and engaging webinars and also the practical experience of the Game Changing Impact Challenges.
We look forward to working with you and supporting you in making a game-changing impact in the energy industry.
Maximising Your Impact
The Career Impact Programme is brought to you by the EIT InnoEnergy Career Centre, this programme is designed and developed to be a platform supporting EIT InnoEnergy Master students to successfully transition from an academic career to a professional industry career.
Each Participant engages in a 12 month programme which will be totally digital and virtual, the programme will contain a series of webinars and 1-2-1 coaching sessions all built around 5 core learning outcomes:
- Creativity & Innovation
- Engaging & Influencing
- Getting things done (Productivity)
- Team work & Leadership
- Managing your career
Interactive Content Platform
The programme contains an interactive content platform around these topics, giving you expert insights, feedback and experiences from EIT InnoEnergy alumni and current EIT InnoEnergy Master students.
1-2-1 Coaching
Each participant has a follow-on coaching programme; this will include your 1-2-1 sessions with your assigned coach. In these sessions you will openly discuss your understanding of the topic and walk through how you make a contribution and impact in this area; you will finish the session with agreeing actions/activities.

Maximising your Career
The EIT InnoEnergy Career Impact Programme is dedicated to developing and preparing hundreds of Europe’s top Engineering Masters Students from Europe’s leading Universities to maximise the impact and contribution they can make to the future of the Energy Industry.
Through the Career Impact Programme we equip students to understand how to make a game changing contribution to an organisation, at the same time as realising their career ambitions in the energy sector. Our philosophy is that not everyone is a Game Changer, but everyone can make a game changing impact. Our programme helps participants to understand how you can make a game changing impact to a team, company or the entire industry.
Our Career Impact Programme and careers services help students to find a career that fits their qualities, capabilities, skills and interests in sustainable energy, in the shortest time possible. We provide dedicated career support with advice, coaching and networking to ensure students’ technical talents are paired with industrial insights that will enable them to maximise their contribution to the future of energy.