The Five Elves Who Saved Christmas
We share a Christmas tale based on the five GC Index proclivities - by Samara, aged 10
Samara was feeling a little bored whilst having to isolate so her mum set her a challenge, putting her creative writing skills to the test – she asked her to write a Christmas tale incorporating the five GC Index proclivities. We thought this was too good a tale not to share.
It demonstrates the coherence of The GC Index framework and language. Whilst Samara hasn’t completed The GC Index or The Young People Index herself yet, she has heard lots about it and did her research, looking at the descriptions of each proclivity on the website.
The fact she can understand how everyone can contribute to a team, at just ten years of age, goes to show how accessible The GC Index framework is. Now is the time to use it to support young people, as well as those already in the workplace.

One snowy night, in the North Pole, Santa and his elves were working hard to ensure everything was in place in time for Christmas. No one knew what was yet to come…
Because they had worked so hard Santa said the elves could have an early night whilst he stayed up and read more wishes, but not all the elf’s brains were resting. Five young elves were still thinking of new presents to make this Christmas.
The next morning the elves ate breakfast and then went to their work stations immediately. Gabriel, the Game Changer Elf, went to discuss a new idea with Santa but when he got to Santa’s office he discovered Santa had gone missing.

Gabriel told Peter, the Play Maker Elf, who knew he had to warn the other elves!
He rushed around the Christmas factory announcing to everyone that Santa Claus had unexpectedly gone missing. He told the elves to check the whole of the North Pole. Santa was nowhere to be seen.
Peter got three other elves together with Gabriel, the Game Changer Elf, to help find Santa and save Christmas. “Thank you so much for the help” said Gabriel in relief. “Well, we would do anything for Santa,” said Peter, the Play Maker Elf, who started to introduce the elves to one another.
Just as Gabriel was going to question what they do next Snowy, the Strategist Elf, blew a letter off Santa’s desk and discovered it was for them.
Snowy read the letter: “Dear The Five Courageous Elves, I know that you all have great strengths but in order to save me you will have to work together. Now I have got to go before they catch me. Yours Sincerely Santa.”
“What does he mean – ‘we have to work together’?” said Gabriel looking confused.
“Well, according to my magnificent brain it means that he wants us to put our strengths together and work as a team,” commented Paula, the Polisher Elf.
So, the elves worked tirelessly preparing for the trip. Gabriel, the Game Changer, thought of some amazing ideas and gadgets they could use to help rescue Santa – he designed a new sleigh that appears invisible to others and can track people’s movements.
Paula, the Polisher, found a way to increase the speed with which the sleigh moves, developed a way to customise the sleigh and also freeze time around them.
Meanwhile Snowy, the Strategist, was on the hunt for any clues that may explain what actually happened to Santa and who it was that was after him. When watching the CCTV footage, he saw someone suspicious enter Santa’s office – the picture wasn’t clear enough to see a face but it was definitely not an elf because the person was so tall. Snowy rushed to Santa’s office to search for more clues. And there it was….a business card, that belonged to none other than Mr Ebenezer Scrooge.
Whilst all of this was happening Peter, the Play Maker, made sure Icey, the Implementer was up to speed with what was happening. He checked everyone was aware of what they needed to do, helping them to work as a team effectively so that they could rescue Santa. Icy made sure that she got the materials in quickly to build the sleigh and then started work immediately.

Snowy, the Strategist, ensured the boxes were ticked on their check list and talked through the plan. They were almost ready to set off on the enormous red ruby sleigh but Christmas day was fast approaching and they had presents to deliver – with this thought Gabriel said, “Right, let’s start this sleigh and freeze time around us.”
Peter, the Play Maker, offered some final words of encouragement before they set off: “Ok everyone we just have to try our best. We’ve got the plan, we’ve got the tools so now let’s just work together, let’s fly!”
Off they went into the night sky, up high with the beautiful stars. It was so peaceful it felt like it was only the five of them and the stars in the whole world. Then all of a sudden, Snowy spotted five stars in a line in the sky, which was on her map: “That way!” she said proudly. They flew over rooftops and through woods until they came to a dark, damp, run-down house.
“This is the place,” said Icy excitedly as she brought the sleigh to a halt and dropped the rope down. Peter, the Play Maker, decided that Icy, Gabriel and Snowy, should go and rescue Santa while Paula and himself remained in the sleigh in case they needed back-up.
One by one Gabriel, Snowy and Icy, slid down the rope and prepared themselves to go inside. They climbed up the side wall and though the window into the house. “Right, now we need to figure out where Santa actually is,” said Icy. They agreed that they would split up and meet after they had checked all of the rooms on the upper floor.

They had finished checking all nine rooms when they realised that there was an extra room that wasn’t on their map. They all peered through the slight gap in the door and then saw a sign above it that read ‘Scrooge’s prison’.
“Who is Scrooge?” asked Gabriel. “It’s that total bah humbug who doesn’t like Christmas at all that everyone talks about,” said Snowy disappointedly. “Stay focused,” interrupted Icy. “The coast is clear let’s sneak in,” she said.
“Wait we can’t yet,” said Snowy. “Why not?” asked Icy, eager to enter. “This Scrooge guy could come back any minute so we have got to take precautions,” said Snowy.
Gabriel suggested someone stay by the door to keep lookout and the others go in to search for Santa. “OK! That’s decided then, I will wait outside, you two go in!” said Gabriel. So, the two girls ventured into the room – sure enough in the corner of the room they spotted a flash of red. They had found Santa!
They just needed to get him out. Whilst Gabriel was keeping a watchful eye on the door Icy and Snowy got to work – they unlocked Santa from the cage. But how on earth were they going to get Santa out, there was no way he would fit through the small window that the elves had entered the house by.
Gabriel had an idea. He threw them the bag of invisible powder so that Santa could escape out the main door without being seen by Scrooge. Meanwhile the three elves left the way they entered – they all made it to the sleigh safely.
Peter and Paula saw Gabriel and the elves running towards them. “Where is Santa,” said Paula. Icey assured them he was on his way but still invisible. They could see boot prints in the snow, leaving the house – Santa had escaped!
As the invisible powder started to wear off Peter helped Santa board the sleigh. “Welcome back!” he said excitedly.
Santa thanked all of the elves for their amazing work: “I knew you’d find me…and just in time for Christmas! Right Icy, let’s get this sleigh out of here, we have got some present wrapping to do before deliveries tomorrow.”
With that Icy took the reins and they headed back to the North Pole, just in time to save to Christmas.

To find out more about how you can use The GC Index or The Young People Index with individuals, teams and organisations please contact us.