What is it?
Talent for change
What kind of talent do you need in your team or organisation? Not just now, but looking ahead to the future?
Of course, we would expect you to say leadership – but what about change?
If change capability and capacity play an important part in your current and future success, you will need change-focused people who have the aptitude and ability to make change happen, wherever they are. We call them Change Makers.

Your Change Capability
Our mission is to create a million change makers. We discover and develop Change Makers for clients in all sectors and industries.
- Who your Change Makers are
- What kind of Change Maker each person is and their preferred type of contribution to change
- Their natural change making strengths and the impact they can make
We also advise our clients on how to get the best out their Change Makers, how to create change-making teams and how to develop teams and individuals to fulfill their potential and make a positive impact on change.
Discover change makers
We want to help you to uncover and develop your Change Makers – often hidden and untapped talent.
To do this we use our Change Maker Profile (a The GC Index® Product). Based on research, the Change Maker Profile is a strengths-based online assessment tool that identifies an individual’s preferred contribution to change and their potential impact in each of the key Change Maker roles: Strategist, Game-Changer, Play Maker, Polisher and Implementer.
Individuals will discover how to:
- Make their best contribution to change
- Play to their strengths
- Complement the strengths of the people around them
- Further develop their change making strengths
- Become the best Change Maker they can be
Our clients tell us that this is unique, refreshingly simple to understand and that it also provides actionable insights extremely quickly

Develop change makers
We have a unique and highly effective programme for developing Change Makers, which includes the Change Maker Profile (a The GC Index® Product).
OurChange Maker Programmes enable participants to:
- Become a skilled, engaging and insightful Change Maker
- Understand how they can make the greatest impact on change in their team and/or organisation
- Engage others in change – the failure of which is #1 reason most change programmes do not achieve their potential
- Develop the skills to manage and lead successful change – the number one demand in today’s VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world
- Apply our DELTA (Diagnose, Engage, Lead, Transform and Accelerate) methodology for managing and delivering change, which keeps people at the heart of change
- Feel confident and motivated and know how to continue to develop themselves so that they can make their best contribution to change.