What is it?
Many consultancies overcomplicate strategy and its development. With over 30 years’ client and agency experience, we have developed a smart business methodology whereby a high-level strategy and action plan can be developed in a condensed, focused time-frame, with GC Index data sitting at the heart.
We call this our ‘GC Smart Strategy’.
In a very fast-moving digital and technological environment, the days of developing a 3-year business plan are over. Our methodology focuses on creating a 3-year smart strategy, incorporating our business vision and mission and then agreeing strategic priorities, supported by a critical 12-month action plan.

Just some of the areas of discussion in the GC Smart Strategy methodology will be the following:
- Pride, Passion & Purpose
- Why were we originally founded?
- What are our greatest achievements…and what would we have done differently?
- What is our pride, passion and purpose?
- Our Present: Where are we now?
- What is our business leader impact*?
- What is our leadership team impact*?
- What are our challenges?
- What makes us different?
- Our Future: Where do we want to get to?
- Vision: what is the goal we are working towards?
- Mission: why do we exist and what makes us different?
- Values: what do we stand for and how do we behave?
- Are we set up to successfully deliver our strategy?
- The Gap: What do we have to do to get there?
- Top 4 strategic priorities we have to make?
- The Action: What is our plan to get there?
- What action do we need to take to make it all happen?
- Are the right people, with the right impact, leading*?
- Action? Who is responsible? By when?
* Supported by GC Index data.
At the end of our GC Smart Strategy process, delivered with full involvement of the client’s senior management team, the following benefits will be experienced:
- Establishing rock solid business foundations, by affirming pride and purpose;
- Understanding the true impact of your business, at both a role and team level;
- Setting the direction of the business with a clear 3-year vision and mission;
- Defining short, medium and long-term business goals, together with tangible metrics to measure progress;
- Assessing your current environment, as well as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats;
- Increasing operational efficiency;
- Increasing profitability and market share through a focused marketing & sales plan;
- Aligning management behind top four strategic priorities;
- Ensuring the resulting 12-month action plan becomes reality;
Being proactive rather than reactive!

In the current working environment, our new GC Smart Strategy is fully set up to be delivered remotely via either Zoom or Microsoft Teams with the following impacts:
- A business leader, management team and employee base knowing where they feel most engaged and energised when it comes to making their own business impact.
- A business leader, management team and employee base knowing how they can ‘play to their strengths’, maximising their own contribution to a role, team and organisation.
- Understanding who are your company Game Changers, Strategists, Implementers, Polishers and Playmakers, ensuring all creative ideas underpinning transformational change are properly planned and executed with both a rigorous focus on continuous improvement and proper team consensus and collaboration.
Resulting in:
- More productive employees;
- Increased sales and revenue;
- Lower operational costs;
- Increased return on investment;
- Increased profitability;
- Improved company culture and togetherness.