Professional Footballer
AFC Bournemouth
Game Changer/Polisher/StrategistRyan Glover is a professional footballer for Bournemouth AFC in the English Football Premier League. He has been part of the Bournemouth Youth Academy since he was 9 years old and signed his first professional contract in May 2019.
Here Ryan discusses his Young People Index Profile (A GC Index Product for young people aged between 11-18 year old) with GCologist Helen Rivero co-founder of GC Partner The YP Index.
We wanted to learn from Ryan, how understanding your impact and contribution in a team, can impact individual and team performance.
How do the proclivities in your GC Index Profile play out in a match?
For me the ‘Polisher’ definitely comes into play on the pitch. I want things to be done at a high standard, and to maintain the high standard throughout the game, and I always certainly have an eye for improvements to things. I see myself as a player that wants to improve situations on the pitch whether that be by myself and dribbling and taking on players or by communicating effectively on the pitch to lift everyone up and talk tactics to switch the game up a little if our game strategy may not be working.
I score quite high on ‘Game Changer’ also and I think that is reflected in the way I play. I don’t always like to keep things simple and routine – like maybe a strong implementer would. I like to try new things and find new ways of beating a defender or scoring a goal and this comes obviously with a risk but if you have good ability then the ratio of risk/reward favours reward.
I score quite high on ‘Game Changer’ also and I think that is reflected in the way I play. I don’t always like to keep things simple and routine – like maybe a strong implementer would. I like to try new things and find new ways of beating a defender or scoring a goal and this comes obviously with a risk but if you have good ability then the ratio of risk/reward favours reward.
How do the proclivities in your GC Index Profile play out during training sessions?
I think the same kind of answers as above however in training sometimes you don’t have as much freedom to do what you want as you’re being told what to do, and so sometimes I struggle to follow the drill as I always have a million other ideas strategies going on in my head.
However regardless I want things to be done at the highest standard possible and I will always try my hardest and this is reflected in my Polisher score.
However regardless I want things to be done at the highest standard possible and I will always try my hardest and this is reflected in my Polisher score.
How do coaches/teammates get the best from you?
Coaches and teammates get the best from me when I’m alive, alert, inventive and use my decision making well.
Freedom to do things differently and explore new possibilities on and off the pitch are important to me. I can see this being reflected in my Game Changer score. I’m a player that is known for pace and power and being clinical and so when I’m on my game with a clear head and kind of allowed to ‘free roam’ I think that’s when the coaches/teammates get the best from me!
Freedom to do things differently and explore new possibilities on and off the pitch are important to me. I can see this being reflected in my Game Changer score. I’m a player that is known for pace and power and being clinical and so when I’m on my game with a clear head and kind of allowed to ‘free roam’ I think that’s when the coaches/teammates get the best from me!
How do coaches/teammates get the best from you?
If I’m nervous, and not backing myself, my quality tends to drop and sometimes I can stay in that state for a while and it can obviously have a domino effect on the team. I tend to pick myself up again quite quickly, but I think when I’m not backing myself and overthinking situations on/off the pitch I lose my ability slightly.
Interviewed by – Helen Rivero