What is The GC Index?

In this short, animated, story we see how The GC Index works with organisations, teams and individuals to support in making a game-changing impact and contribution.

Simon Court, Founder and CEO at Value Partnership, explains the 5 GC Index proclivities.

There are 7.7 billion people in the world. It doesn’t matter if an individual is the CEO of a FTSE 500 or a child living in a mud hut, each and every one of those 7.7 billion people has an impact and contribution to make.
Imagine a world based on everyones impact…

Dr John Mervyn-Smith explains The GC Index and how people like to make an impact and contribution.

Dr GC explains why The GC Index has a focus on impact rather than personality.

Professor Adrian Furnham, UCL, tells the story behind The GC Index

On a recent Digital Transformation webinar with GC Partner Leading Edge Consulting, Dr Andrew Nevin, Chief Economist at PwC, gives his view on why organisations need The GC Index.
Team Coaching & Development

Getting things done effectively through teams means understanding the contribution, and potential contribution, all team members can make.
Organisations have put a lot of focus on how teams collaborate and deliver better business results.
Collaboration needs to be looked at differently if teams and businesses are going to drive the best outcomes for their collective efforts.

The GC Index®, a digital Organimetric, measures and describes five proclivities i.e. five different ways in which people are inclined to make an impact and contribution.
It provides a language and framework for people that is simple, effective and outcome driven.
It is scalable, reliable and adaptable, but most of all it creates a level playing field where everyone can contribute and make a positive impact.

For every effective team leader the question on their mind is always “What is my team’s potential?”
Getting things done effectively through teams means understanding the contribution and potential contribution that each team leader can make.
The GC Index provides a picture, for individuals and teams, of energy for impact. This picture provides team leaders with a focus for developing the skills individuals and teams need to maximise their impact in the present and for the future.

Resilient teams know they can have a positive impact on their world, even in adversity.
Coping well when under pressure or when setbacks occur comes from an understanding of what knocks us off balance and how to deal with it.
The GC Index empowers teams to unlock the different and complementary talents of all team members and, in turn, provide a bedrock for building resilient teams and support a strong sense of community by nurturing complementary relationships.

How do you unlock the power of trust in teams?
The reality in modern business is that people rarely know what to expect of one another. In any relationship, unrealistic expectations are most likely to lead to disappointment and a sense of being let down.
Human beings tend to judge one another on what they do, not their intentions. We base trust upon a judgment of what we can rely upon; reliability is the basis for trust.
With that in mind The GC Index provides a language for teams to understand the positive impact all team members can make. This provides a reliable framework to value the contributions of others, acknowledge what we can expect of them and trust they will deliver what they intend.
The GC Talking Heads

Caroline Das-Monfrais, Chief Strategy Officer EMEA, Partner of FTI Consulting LLP, talks to Dr GC about having a Game Changer proclivity and how she has learned to adapt to the world around her.

Loraine Martins MBE, Director of Diversity and Inclusion at Network Rail, talks to Dr GC about having a Strategist proclivity and how she has learned to adapt to the world around her.

Olivia Belz, Senior Operations Exec at Gobeyond Partners, talks to Dr GC about having an Implementer proclivity and how she has learned to adapt to the world around her.

Toby Mildon, Diversity and Inclusion Architect, talks to Dr GC about having a Polisher proclivity and how he has learned to adapt to the world around him.

Mike O’Dell, People Expert, Executive Coach and Business Consultant, talks to Dr GC about having a Play Maker proclivity and how he has learned to adapt to the world around him.
The GC People Leader Series

In this edition of The GC People Leader Series Dr GC, Chief Psychologist at The GC Index, Kanishka Misal – Managing Director at InfinityGlobal.IO, about his career and what it’s meant having Game Changer Strategist proclivities.

In this edition of The GC Index People Leader Series Dr GC talks to Neil Carberry, CEO of the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC).
In this interview Neil talks to John about being a guardian of the greater good and how important it is to have the right relationships. Neil also considers the balance of keeping people engaged and ensuring that success is driven by challenging when it’s required. He also comments that leadership is about empowering others to drive their own success and knowing when to step in and step back.

In this edition of The GC People Leader Series Roxana Radulescu, GCologist, CEO and Founder at GC Partner All Personal, talks to Darrell Pinto – VP Industry Research Advancement at the Canadian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association.
Darrel says: “I thrive in situations where I can combine problem solving through design thinking with adventure”
Roxana explores what underpins Darrel’s success and how he utilises his creative problem solving impact and contribution.

In this edition of The GC People Leader Series Dr GC, Chief Psychologist at The GC Index, interviews Andrew Harrison, Director at Arup, about his career and what it’s meant having Polisher Game Changer proclivities.

Loraine Martins MBE, Director of Diversity & Inclusion at Network Rail, talks to Simon Etherington at The GC Index, about how she uses her natural strategic proclivity to achieve success.
Loraine says: “I’m a Strategist so I have a vision of things that I’d like to achieve and I’m very driven to make that vision a reality. I think big picture and I like to create the picture for others drawing in on ideas from others…I’m really all about the vision and the direction of travel and helping people join me on that journey.”

In this edition of The GC People Leader Series Dr GC talks to Sharon Kemp, CEO at Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council about how she took the council from a powerless entity in special measures, following the Casey Report concerning Child Sexual Exploitation, to a flourishing council delivering the day to day.
Sharon talks about the importance of “We” and how she has worked tirelessly on values and behaviours as the pivotal core for success at the council. An inspiring story of recovery after some very troubled times.

In this edition of The GC People Leader Series Shann Janse van Resnberg, Founder & CEO at GC Partner SQ Unlimited, interviews Melanie Burke, Chair of StreetSmart Children’s Charity, Symphonia South Africa, Safer Together, about her career to date and how she has made her impact and contribution in the roles she has undertaken.

In this edition of The GC People Leader Series John Franklin-Hackett, Founder and CEO at GC Partner Franklin-Hackett Ltd, interviews Annette Andrews, Consultant and Former Chief People Officer at Lloyds of London, about her career and what’s driven her success.

In this edition of The GC People Leader Series Dr GC talks to Cliff Prior, CEO Big Society Capital.
In this interview Cliff walks us through his career to date and with his pending move to Global Steering Group on Impact Investing what the future holds for his Game Changer Strategist inclinations. With some inspiring insight in to trust and relationships this interview really get’s to centre of strategic creativity.

In this edition of The GC People Leader Series Dr GC talks to Frank Dick OBE, Sports Coach & Motivational Speaker who has unsurpassed record of helping a variety of athletes in a variety of sports to deliver their best.
Quite simply Dr GC asks what has driven these huge successes. Frank walks Dr GC through his sense on coaching, motivation, energising individuals and behaviours and where coaches get it wrong.
He also shares an acronym – “ODD”!

In this edition of The GC People Leader Series Dr GC talks to Darren Fell, Founder and CEO at Crunch. Leading a revolution in online accounting services Darren takes us on the journey so far and how he has driven huge success by taking risks and playing for high stakes.
Darren has a strong Game Changer & Polisher profile and says “My profile makes utter sense to me. I’ve done many of the psychometric tests….Nothing has revealed this to me. I’ve been trying to make sense of myself and why I have these big ideas and have to go after them”.

In this edition of The GC People Leader Series, GC Partner Lucy Brown, Founder and Chief Polisher at Lucy Brown Consulting, interviews Ton Dobbe, Chief Inspiration Officer / Author at Value Inspiration, about what it means to be a Game Changer Strategist.
Dr GC's Weekly Musings

Jo, a partner in a small consulting firm, asked Dr GC to support him in a transition to a new role.
Jo, a subject matter expert, received feed back from his new team that he was dominant with his views, sometimes in a detached and aloof manner.

Dr GC talks about The GC Index in a team context and the power of exploiting complementary relationships in teams.

Dr GC talks about inspiration, The Queens Speech and the ability of humanity to adapt and utilise opportunity and possibility.
A reactive piece during Covid-19.

Dr GC talks about developing complementary relationships and how The GC Index supports that endeavour.
Dr GC supports Jess, a Learning & Development Specialist, in recruiting the right people in to her team to support her and ensure she wasn’t exposed.

Dr GC looks at using The GC Index to build a team.
Grace, new in to a CIO role at a finance firm, sought support from Dr GC in a team effectiveness initiative.

Dr GC talks about ‘Ben’, a project manager in local government. His GC Index profile suggests he has Implementer / Playmaker proclivities. So why does he claim to ‘ hate people’?

Dr GC answers the question on whether someones GC Index profile can change over time.

Dr GC takes a second look at emotional resilience and considers the three key ingredients for resilience – optimism, connectedness to community and perceived resourcefulness.

Dr GC takes a fly on the wall view on two of our core team, Chief Strategist Implementer Simon and Game Changer Polisher Emma, to see how they are coping with these uncertain times (2020).

Dr GC talks about two teams, both with Game Changer leaders, and what impact the leader had on the teams.

Dr GC takes a look in to the life of Mike and how The GC Index supported stress easing following a promotion.

Dr GC takes a look in to an innovation hub and how The GC Index supported the team in delivering impact and contribution.


Many organisations try to recruit the perfect leader, an individual that has to fit in, an individual that has to meet a long list of required criteria.
Nathan asks Dr GC – “How can I be the perfect leader?”
Dr GC’s response may surprise you!

No-one has ever completed the sentence. ‘High potentials are…’
Dr GC explains that all talent needs identifying and nurturing.
The far reaching implication of the high potential notion is that if you perpetuate that are senior levels in organisations you’re working against your diversity and inclusion agenda.

Dr GC & Nathan discuss the boxes we put people in, why it’s key for us to move away from those stereotypes and the need to move to a more impact based framework that ignores the labels.
Defining inclusive leadership leads to a list of amorphic criteria but inclusive leadership is more about the individual feeling empowered and potent by being enabled to make a positive impact and contribution.

We’ve been seduced by personality and personality profiling for decades but it doesn’t necessarily have the value of connecting individuals and teams to team or organisational outputs.
Nathan & Dr GC discuss…

Individuals rise up the ranks of organisations by behaving a certain way, they get recruited for their next role based on what they’ve done before. But when their next move is to leadership their track record isn’t necessarily relevant to the next step. So are organisations getting leadership recruitment right?
Dr GC and Nathan discuss…

The GC Index started off with a focus on innovation and change. Dr GC asks Nathan how The GC Index supports its partners and client organisations with innovation and invention.
“You go an be innovative…” a line frequently heard when organisations need to drive innovation that misses the point completely. Instead, organisations need to show their people how they contribute to the process of innovation.
Not everyone is innovative but everyone can make a contribution and impact to the process of innovation and invention.
Dr GC and Nathan discuss…

Caroline Das Monfrais, FTI Consulting, explains the importance of understanding your people and ensuring you have the right mix, based on impact and contribution, in your organisation.

Sharon Kemp, CEO at Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council highlights the importance of values and behaviours with a story about facilitating someone’s drive to achieve a simple task.
GC Connect 2021

GC Connect 2021 – Day 1 – Session 2 – Nathan Ott & Mike Cole, MD – Imagine Estate Agents. Mike Cole, Managing Director at Imagine Estate Agents, was introduced to The GC Index® in 2020 by GC Partner, Elysian. He was so impressed he now won’t recruit anyone into the organisation without using it. He will join Nathan Ott to discuss some amazing stories of how The GC Index framework has helped him restructure his team.

DSM Nutritional Products recently formed a new research and development Centre, made up of 7 teams of scientists from three labs across the globe. The teams served a range of innovation, production and customer stakeholders and were pulled together into a single Solutions Centre in April 2020. This new organisational entity appointed Celine Carin as head of Centre.
Celine will join Malcolm Follos, from The Change Maker Group, to share how they used The Change Maker Profile to help support the creation of a senior leadership team and propel them on their journey towards a new purpose, vision and strategy for the Solutions Centre. They will talk us through some of the work they did to help overcome some of the cultural, logistical, and strategic challenges of working with a newly formed geographically dispersed team and to harness the full potential of the 7 teams into a single a global teamserving multiple stakeholders.

The GC Index team will discuss what new developments are taking place, from the new GC Community portal to new workshops and services.

Our education system is built on the Industrial Revolution model and has lost its relevance. We must update education if we are to support young people in achieving their potential. Our panel of experts will discuss what needs to change and how The GC Index® framework can help facilitate this.

GC Connect – Day 2 – Session 2 – Andrew Dyckhoff, from GC Partner Strengths Unleashed, will share how he has been using GC 360 with some of his clients.

GC Connect 2021 – Day 1 – Session 6 – GCologist, Richard Medcalf, from GC Partner Xquadrant will discuss how he has used The GC Index with leaders to increase business impact.
He will talk us through his guide: The GC Index – Review & Ultimate Guide. This looks at how you can use The GC Index to:
- Increase personal impact
- Develop leaders
- Improve team impact
- Overcome diversity & inclusion
- Drive cultural change

GC Connect 2021 – Day 2 – Session 3 – We often talk about how The GC Index liberates biggest impact. In this short case study of three leadership profiles – Gaylin Jee, Founder of GC Partner 33 Emeralds, will show you how the journey has started with MINT TRUST and The Ekukhanyeni Relief Project. We will look at how the profiles come together in service of a higher purpose.

GC Connect 2021 – Day 1 – Session 8 – Four of our pioneers across the globe, who were early adopters of The GC Index®, join us to to share their journey with The GC Index®, how they have overcome any uncertainty and discuss their thoughts and hopes for the future.

GC Connect 2021 – Day 2 – Session 6 – Ketan Makwana, from GC Partner Enterprise Lab, will explain how they have embedded The GC Index as part of a post Covid back to work programme for the UK’s Department of Work and Pensions.
Ketan also offers insight into how the programme works and the role The GC Index plays in providing a framework for boosting self-confidence, building businesses, and delivering impactful mentoring support.
GC Connect 2020

GC Connect 2020 – Dr GC & Nathan Ott Introduce our partner summit – GC Connect 2020.

Nathan Ott, Chief Polisher at The GC Index, joins Dr GC to talk to the newest member of the team – Nigel Evans, Advisor to the BPS Psychological Test Centre.

Simon Etherington, Chief Strategist Implementer at The GC Index, looks at why The GC Index is becoming the instrument of choice in decision making about people and talent.

Nathan Ott, Chief Polisher at The GC Index, talks to Trudie Adcock, Enterprise Learning Director at AstraZeneca, about how they have deployed The GC Index worldwide.

GCologist Andrew Dychoff, Founder of GC Partner Strengths Unleashed, introduces GC 360.

Nathan Ott, Chief Polisher at The GC Index, talks to Helen Rivero, Co-Founder at The Young People Index, and Andrew Roberts-Wray, former Head Teacher, GCologist and Young People Index practioner, about The Young People Index.

Nathan Ott, Chief Polisher at The GC Index, talks to Simon Phillips, Founder of The Change Maker Group, about The Changer Profile.

Dr GC & John Franklin-Hackett take a trip down memory lane as they jump in to Dr GC’s Delorian and head back to 1966 and the collapse of the British motor industry. In this interactive session they set our audience a challenge. To retrospectively save British Motor Corporation.

Nathan Ott, Chief Polisher at The GC Index, talks to Grace van Den Boogarrt, Career Center Coordinator at GC Partner EIT Innoenergy, and Ketan Makwana, Chief Disruptor at GC Partner Enterprise Lab, about how we are working together to support the future talent in the energy sector.

Dr GC talks to Shantonu Chundur, Co-Founder of GC Partner Confluent Energy. In this session Shantonu tells us his story. Shantonu was diagnosed with Type 1 Bipolar Disorder after a particularly stressful period in his life. Here he explains how The GC Index will be used to support mental health, wellbeing and productivity.