What is it?
eg.1 works with clients to help them identify, attract, retain and advance diverse talent. Our diversity of impact offering encompasses three key solutions:
- Market Intelligence
- Executive Search
- The GC Index

Market Intelligence
Our market intelligence offering supports our clients in redesigning and reshaping their talent attraction and retention strategies.
- We engage directly with the market and bring first hand insight & clarity from your clients and competitors around their Diversity & Inclusion agenda;
- We provide you with facts and statistics on the senior diverse talent landscape so that you can make informed decisions;
- We locate and map talent in non-traditional companies with transferable skill-sets that fit the search mandate.
Some of our portfolio include:
- Recruitment best practice benchmarking: Data informing how your competitors have performed in their recruitment of talent, recent successful recruitment campaigns;
- Demand and skill-set forecasting: Data on the types and levels of skills that the market is hiring / investing in;
- Brand perception: Unbiased perceived feedback on our client’s reputation relative to competitors, as well as a ranking of the top perceived players in the market;
New joiners and leavers: Impartial data on why talent has decided to join / leave a firm. The purpose of this is to gain insight into the ambitions and motivations of talent in cyber so that our clients can work towards creating the right environment and plans to best attract and retain talent. Our objective is to allow our clients to learn from best practices and avoid approaches that have failed in the past.
Executive Search
With more than 20 years’ experience, we can best support our clients in:
- Attract and qualify diverse talent that fit your search mandates. Being a professional services specialist, we recognise the qualities that make individuals succeed in professional services firms.
- Advise you on creating different opportunities and business cases per individual to hire. There is no one size fits all approach.
The GC Index is embedded the eg.1 search Process to provide all candidates, hiring managers and key stakeholders with a common language of impact and contribution to help align all expectations and mitigate any risks in the hiring process.
Pre-Briefing Meeting:
Our client or key stakeholders take The GC Index® profile for themselves. We will provide them with feedback on their profiles and highlight their individual and collective impact and contribution as part of your Pitch/proposal.
We also provide the impact profile of our assignment team to ensure we all know how each of us want to best make an impact.
Briefing Meeting:
We use The GC Index® language and framework to ask our clients what impact and contribution they require the successful candidate to make.
It is very efficient to make reference to the individual and team profiles we have already provided to illustrate the impact of the existing team and work with the client to identify how the successful candidate’s impact and contribution will integrate into the team.
Shortlist & Selection:
During the interview stage we utilise The GC Index® to test candidates and identify their impact.
The GC Index enables us to leverage the resulting profiles to demonstrate the differences in impact and contribution between candidates.
We make reference to the team profiles you have already provided to illustrate the positive and negative implications of each candidate’s impact in relation to that of our client’s team.
We leverage The GC Index® profiles of the successful candidate and the existing team to support our client in understanding how best to integrate the new hire.
Finally, we use The GC Index® to profile the hiring manager (if not already done), using this to offer the client feedback on how to ensure a positive working relationship between the hiring manager and the successful candidate.

Integrating and onboarding diverse talent
- Maximising the Impactof a Partner Hire – We utilise the GC Index to better assess impact, remove any unconscious bias, empower your hiring decisions, and integrate new hires.
- Hiring successful Partners is a process that is accompanied with high levels of financial and reputational risk on both sides. The investmentis significant and often can take 12-18 months before the firm can truly be comfortable that their investment has been a real success. All firms will mitigate this risk as best they can through the
hiring and on-boarding processes. There are traditional tools and measures that are available to align capability and cultural fit of potential new Partners, and eg.1 can consult upon or incorporate these into the hiring process from
the outset. - However, as a core differentiator eg.1 also combines these traditional measures with its own assessment instrument www.thegcindex.com that measures the desired proclivity (Contribution and Impact) of each new Partner hire.
- By understanding the proclivity of a Partner it allows our clients to understand how the Partners will best contribute to the firm and make commercial impact from the outset. This enables us to advise our clients on the right role for the individual, play to their strengths and deliver commercial results in a quicker time period. 1 has used The GC Index® in previous Partner Executive Search engagements and Leadership Team Impact sessions for our clients.