What makes the Resolve programme distinct?
Complex times require high measures of presence, insight and action. Resolve sets teams up to thrive, building confidence, influence and initiative through a unique combination of new methods and tools.
The programme is strengths-based and draws on concepts of human thriving at work. Deliberately designed using novel tools and methods to evoke FLOW, it recognises and challenges unique growth and contribution – pushing leaders and teams to achieve more original and purposeful outputs. The work we do is stretching and tackles what is difficult and worthwhile.
We stretch minds and comfort zones
The programme is suitable for new teams, leadership teams and teams focused on achieving goals that sit outside business as usual activity. Given the distinct focus on human thriving and evoking FLOW at work, the solution is also fit for teams that are not unleashing their full potential.
We stretch minds and comfort zones with new and sometimes radical thinking and practical tools, insightfully combining assessments, facilitated groupwork and individual coaching sessions.

Set the conditions for thriving
Take novel opportunities to champion originality within your system.