The Bigger Picture - The GC Index

The Bigger Picture showcases The DNA of a Game Changer

Jonathan Blain, Author, Professional Career Advisor and GCologist, appeared on a satellite TV programme, The Bigger Picture, today talking about The DNA of a Game Changer. He talks about Game Changers and The GC Index. He says, “eg.1 has identified certain people who make a huge disproportionate difference – and they call these people Game […]


Dialogue Magazine – The formula that breeds confidence

eg.1’s CHIEF PSYCHOLOGIST DR JOHN MERVYN-SMITH WRITES FOR DIALOGUE MAGAZINE ON TRUSTING IN THE WORKPLACE. Trust would appear to be hard-wired but yet many employers do not trust their employees. However, respect and trust top the list of what employees value the most. What can be done and how can ground-breaking tool The GC Index […]

People Profiling

HR Magazine – Can software profile people better than HR?

HR Magazine interviews Dr John Mervyn-Smith, Chief Psychologist at eg.1, to find out whether you can ever truly use software to measure areas and qualities previously thought to be the domain of a less scientific approach or human intuition. John talks about The GC Index and how organisations and recruiters can use it to identify […]